Call for contributions


The LIFT project organises a two-day meeting on the project's topics, namely, formal, field and computational linguistics. Furthermore, two topics will be highlighted : (i) treebanks and syntax, and (ii) formal grammar and field linguistics.

On top of keynote speakers, this meeting will consists of networking sessions and presentations of on-going work. People willing to contribute to this meeting are invited to submit an extended 2-page abstract. Selected abstracts will be published in the meeting proceedings (and uploaded on the HAL open archives).


Abstract submission :  15 octobre 2020 25 octobre 2020
Authors notification  :  7 novembre 2020 10 novembre 2020
Final versions due : 1er décembre 2020
Meeting : 10-11 décembre 2020


Topics include :

– feedbacls about the use and/or development of computational tools for linguistic analysis,
– computational linguistics and open science
– formal and computational linguistic modelling
– mapping of linguistic and learning models
– Unsupervised or weakly supervised methods for under-resourced language analysis

All proposals in accordance with the meeting topics are welcome. Presentation of achieved as well as on-going research is possible. The meeting aims at presenting research results but also at triggering discussions about on-going work from authors willing to develop collaborations (automating tasks, collecting linguistic knowledge, etc.).


Submissions should be 2-page abstracts following the guidelines included in the examples available on-line at the following address :

Submissions should be made using the easychair system :


This year, the meeting will take place on-line, due to the current crisis.

Invited speakers

  • Katja Aplonova
  • Lionel Clément
  • Annie Foret
  • Kim Gerdes
  • Aleksey Koshevoy (tutoriel)
  • Sylvain Loiseau
  • Aleksandra Miletic-Haddad

Organising committee

Yannick Parmentier, LORIA/Université de Lorraine
Thierry Poibeau, LATTICE/CNRS
Emmanuel Schang, LLL/Université d’Orléans

Program committee

  • Angélique Amelot LPP/CNRS
  • Laurent Besacier LIG/Université Grenoble Alpes
  • Berthold Crysmann LLF/Université de Paris
  • Karën Fort LORIA/Université Paris Sorbonne
  • Claire Gardent LORIA/CNRS
  • Anaïs Lefeuvre-Halftermeyer LIFO/Université d’Orléans
  • Alexis Michaud LaCITO/INALCO
  • Tatiana Nikitina LLACAN/CNRS
  • Yannick Parmentier LORIA/Université de Lorraine
  • Thierry Poibeau LATTICE/ENS Paris
  • Emmanuel Schang LLL/Université de Lorraine
  • Valentin Vydrine LLACAN/INALCO
  • Guillaume Wisniewski LLF/Université de Paris
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