About the 2020 edition of the LIFT scientific meeting
The objective of the scientific meeting is to promote interactions between the three broad fields of (i) computational linguistics, (ii) formal linguistics and (iii) field linguistics (“diversity linguistics”), in order to encourage the development of linguistic research that makes the most of new technologies.
This year, two topics are highlighted : (i) treebanks and syntax and (ii) grammars and field linguistics.
On top of invited speakers, this meeting includes networking sessions and presentations about on-going research. People interested in presenting their work are invited to submit an extended abstract.
Accepted abstracts will be presented during the meeting and published in the HAL online archives.
This meeting will be held online, due to the current crisis, on Dec. 10th and 11th and is organized by the LATTICE Laboratory (CNRS UMR 8094 / ENS / PSL / Sorbonne Nouvelle).
About the “Computational, Formal & Field Linguistics” research project
Computational linguistics brings to linguists a large panel of techniques and resources which open the way to new perspectives for linguistic analysis, from data collection and annotation to the extraction and automatic checking of linguistic generalisations. The objectives of the LIFT project are :
to explore this potential by benefitting from a scientific network which promotes interactions between formal linguists, field linguists, and computational linguists
to foster the emergence of novel methods which would be benefitial for linguists (automating data analysis and verification), field linguists (collecting and analysing data), and computational linguists (e.g. developments in unsupervised methods for under-resourced languages)
The LIFT project builds upon 5 complementary axes:
automatic extraction of linguistic generalisations
linguistics and NLP system evaluation
tools for data collection and analysis for linguists
challenges and resources for open science
linguistics for under-resourced languages
GDR 2045 – LIFT, Institut des Sciences Humaines et Sociales du CNRS
Laboratoire Langues, Textes, Traitements informatiques, Cognition (CNRS LATTICE, UMR 8094)
Laboratoire Ligérien de Linguistique (CNRS LLL, UMR 7270)
Langues et Civilisations à Tradition Orale (CNRS LACITO, UMR 7107)